
Brexit shock: lists of foreigners proposed for companies

A shock proposal by Home Secretary Amber Rudd outrages the United Kingdom and the European Union – To avoid overcrowding of foreign students and workers, blacklists should be created that "sham" companies.

Brexit shock: lists of foreigners proposed for companies

From multi-ethnic cosmopolitanism to total, closed, obscurantist isolation. A few days after the announcement of the start of talks for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, expected for the first months of 2017, the British Home Secretary Amber Rudd presents a shocking proposal in the context of the annual party congress conservative.

The anticipation published this morning by the Times of London was confirmed by the words pronounced by Rudd in front of his party: "There are too many foreign workers in Great Britain". Not only that, because foreign students would also be the problem. Both categories take away jobs, space and resources from full-blooded Britons, according to Rudd. For this reason, the UK should use the hard way by ending the freedom of movement of workers and students.

Rudd's recipe that wowed the UK is simple. According to her, it is necessary to "shame" the companies that prefer to hire foreigners, obliging them to publish lists of workers divided by nationality. The purpose? Pressure companies to prioritize UK-born workforce.

A proposal that has already aroused unanimous protests. The Labor party has spoken of "dangerous xenophobia", while the British Confindustria and the City herald the collapse of the national economy in the event that such a proposal becomes reality.
