
Brexit: Supermanagers side with No

For the British prime minister, leaving the euro would represent a real leap in the dark: “If you want to lead Europe, you have to stay in it” – The pound plummets – The anti-Brexit appeal of 198 managers of the major British companies.

Brexit: Supermanagers side with No

"Exiting the euro would be an economic leap in the dark and threaten our economic and national security." To say it is the British premier David Cameron, clarifying the position in front of the House of Commons anti-Brexit of the Government: "in the event of an exit, the European Union will think first of itself and of the agreements between its member countries and only secondarily of some pact with the United Kingdom".

For Cameron, staying in Europe serves to play a leading role: “If you want to lead Europe, you have to stay in it. If, on the other hand, you want to be guided by Europe, you are free to do as Norway does”.

A position, that of the British prime minister, diametrically opposed to that taken by the mayor of London Boris Johnson, which, on the other hand, has openly sided in favor of leaving the EU, in view of the Brexit refendum set for 23 June, while the GBP the British plunged to a 7-year low, losing 1,3% against the dollar (at 1,4058 dollars).

On the same length as Cameron they lined up 198 managers of the major British companies, among which the CEOs of Vodafone and Marks & Spenser stand out, respectively Vittorio Colao and Marc Bolland, and the general manager of BT Group Gavin Patterson, in an open letter published by the Times: “Leaving the EU would discourage investments, threaten jobs and endanger the economy. The UK will be stronger, safer and wealthier as a member of the EU." In the letter, the companies also praised Cameron's deal with Brussels on Britain's role.
