
Patents, green light to the revision law of the Industrial Property Code: the Mise explains the news

Applications to the Italian Patent and Trademark Office will be simpler and more digital - Controls and protection increase - The Mise: "The goal is to encourage investment"

Patents, green light to the revision law of the Industrial Property Code: the Mise explains the news

Not only Def e Family Act: Wednesday's Council of Ministers also gave the green light to some important innovations on the subject of patents. The government has in fact approved the bill for the revision of the Industrial Property Code.

Here are the most important news on patents

  • le administrative procedures to relate to the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (Uibm) they come simplified, increasing digitisation;
  • it strengthens temporary protection of designs and models in the context of Exhibitions;
  • payment of the patent fees it may be postponed, but the protection will be recognized as from the date of submission of the patent application;
  • is strengthened preventive control on patent applications useful for the defense of the state;
  • finally, the protection of geographical indications and denominations of origin of products with respect to imitative phenomena.

A patent law to support the recovery

With these interventions, we read in a note from the Ministry of Economic Development, “Italy is among the European countries at the forefront in responding to the impulse of the European Commission formulated with the Action Plan on Intellectual Property to support recovery and resilience”.

The goal is to encourage investment

The revision of the Patent Code is an "organic" intervention, to protect industrial property - continues the Mise - which aims to strengthen the technological and digital competitiveness of companies and national research centers, facilitating and enhancing the knowledge, use and the spread of the patent protection system in order to encourage investment e technology transfer of inventions from the world of research to production".

The strategic plan for the reform of the industrial property system

The bill, continues the ministry, “is part of the Strategic plan for the reform of the industrial property system defined by the Minister of Economic Development Giancarlo Giorgetti last June, after a public consultation, and for the realization of which were also destined 30 million euro from the PNRR".

Minister Giorgetti's comment

According to Giorgetti, "with the approval of this provision, another important stage is reached in the action of the Government and the Ministry of Economic Development to promote the culture of innovation and tools to defend industrial property rights which, through the protection of ideas and inventions, ensure that Made in Italy companies have an important competitive advantage on the markets”.
