
Brazil in the streets, assault on ministries

A revolt against the government of President Temer, accused of corruption, breaks out in Brasilia. Fires are reported in various ministries and public buildings, the army enters the field

Brazil in the streets, assault on ministries

Ministries targeted and violence in the streets in Brazil to protest against President Michel Temer, accused of corruption, and his government. In the capital, Brasilia, all the ministries have been evacuated - reports Ansa - following the serious acts of vandalism committed by some demonstrators. According to local media, fires have been recorded in the offices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Social Security while other buildings have been devastated by the fury of the demonstrators. Some demonstrators, with their faces covered, came into conflict with the police, who responded with tear gas and stun grenades. But the report becomes more serious as the minutes go by: the government has called in the army to carry out police duties and repel what appears to be a real uprising. This has exacerbated the reaction of the demonstrators - one hundred thousand according to other sources and 5.000 policemen deployed - in a crescendo that has led the police to shoot at eye level. There is talk at the moment of 7 injured.

At least five people were injured by gunfire, the number of wounded rose to 44 people with bruises and cuts to the face and arms, 8 policemen were hospitalized with wounds and bruises. The government, as has been said, deployed the army in defense of public buildings until May 31st.
