
Brazil, coup in the air: Bolsonaro threatens the Supreme Court

An unprecedented attack launched by the president against the highest judicial body, accused of political arrests: "It no longer has a reason to exist". In the square, millions of Bolsonaro supporters raise tension: we are moving towards a state of emergency - VIDEO

Brazil, coup in the air: Bolsonaro threatens the Supreme Court

Scenes from the South American-style military coup seen on Tuesday 7 September throughout Brazil: President Jair Bolsonaro, on the day of independence from Portugal, called his supporters to the streets who responded en masse, with oceanic marches from Rio to Sao Paulo, while in the capital Brasilia he held a rally being flanked by two army generals, his deputy Hamilton Mourao and Defense Minister Walter Braga Netto. In the crosshairs of the president, who thus marred a day of celebration by creating tensions throughout the country and foreshadowing consequences for the very stability of democracy, is the Supreme Court, the highest Brazilian judicial body, accused of too many arrest warrants considered political background, as repeatedly imposed against government members and supporters.

Among the judges to be "put in line" he is mentioned enemy number one Alexandre de Moraes, responsible for the investigation that investigates the financing and organization of acts against the institutions and democracy, which has already led to the arrest of numerous allies of the president and his militants: "We cannot continue to accept that a single person from the center of the power continues to barbarize our population. We can no longer accept political arrests in our Brazil”, thundered Bolsonaro, then adding sibylline and disturbing phrases such as “we do not accept that nobody in Brasilia imposes his will”, “the President of the Court Luiz Fux intervenes, otherwise we will be forced to do what that we don't want", and above all "the Federal Supreme Court no longer has any credibility for having a reason to exist". The explicit delegitimization of an institutional body clearly makes one breathe the air of a coup, just on the eve of the Council of the Republic scheduled for Wednesday 8 September.

The Council brings together the executive with the presidents of the Chamber, the Senate and the Supreme Court, and it seems that the head of government Bolsonaro is considering proposing a state of emergency, which would open up worrying scenarios above all because in the meantime the sovereign leader continues to incite his supporters, both on social networks and in the streets of large cities, where many have responded to the call, armed with a green-and-gold flag and chanting slogans that are sometimes clearly fascist. Without forgetting the No Vax component and in fact the tense situation is also worrying on the Covid front: Brazil has recovered ground in the vaccination campaign (60% of citizens vaccinated with one dose has been exceeded, in a country of over 200 million inhabitants) , but the gatherings of these days could affect the infections, as well as the democratic stability. Also because in the meantime Bolsonaro's opponents are not standing idly by.

The press, almost entirely starting with Globo, attacks him every day, and on Tuesday the anti-Bolsonaro people also took to the streets, even there with a good turnout: calls for impeachment, which, moreover, the vice-president of the Chamber Marcelo Ramos defined as "inevitable", and a less denial management of the health emergency, accelerating vaccines and prevention measures. Among them are many supporters of theformer president Lula, who has been further rehabilitated just in recent days: the Court of Brasilia annulled another trial in which he was accused of Atibaia, a municipality in the state of São Paulo, and perhaps this too contributed to making Bolsonaro nervous. For Lula, who served 19 months in prison serving a sentence for corruption that was later annulled, it is yet another acquittal: he has now been a free citizen for almost a year and the polls show him as the favorite in the presidential elections to be held in the autumn of 2022 Or that they should be kept, unless something else happens in the meantime.

1 thoughts on "Brazil, coup in the air: Bolsonaro threatens the Supreme Court"

  1. I know it burns you, but in the Brazil of the patriots, of the millions of people who took to the streets without party flags but with only the national flag in hand, the globalist elite who are now unchallenged here in Europe and feed you with both hands to bring forward the covid farce won't win. Face it, the people and the army will prevent the elections from being faked like in the USA. It's not a coup: it's the will of the people!

