
Bpm: it will be a battle to the last vote between Annunziata and Messori

The final presentation of the lists by 17 pm - The local unions, supported by Uil and CGIL, rely on Annunziata and also put Giorgio Benvenuto on the list - Fabi and Cisl have offered the bank's candidacy to the economist Marcello Messori who will dissolve the reservations in the next few hours

Bpm: it will be a battle to the last vote between Annunziata and Messori

It's official: the Amici della Bpm association, supported by Uilca, Fisac/Cgil and retired members, has nominated Filippo Annunziata for the presidency of the new Supervisory Board of Banca Popolare di Milano, who will be elected at the shareholders' meeting on 22 October. “It was sought by us and in particular by Fabi (local), to raise the level of the CDS. He has an interesting curriculum, and if he's close to the Bank of Italy all the better”, commented Alessandro Dall'Asta, president of the Amici della Bpm, at the end of the board meeting of the association which formalized the candidacies.

"It is of such a level that I believe it reassures everyone, even the investor shareholder", continued Dall'Asta, specifying that the reference is to all potential investors interested in entering the capital of the institution. Among these, Andrea Bonomi's Investindustrial fund declared that it owns, directly and indirectly, approximately 2,7% of Pop Milano. The list of Friends also includes the names of Giuseppe Coppini and Umberto Bocchino for the position of vice presidents. The other directors proposed are Giorgio Benvenuto, Giovanni Bianchini, Francesco Giarretta, Mario Mazzolini, Marialuisa Moscon, Marcello Priori, Enzo Maria Simonelli, Michele Zefferino.

Annunziata “was sought by us and in particular by Fabi (local), to raise the level of the CDS. He has an interesting curriculum, and if he's close to the Bank of Italy all the better”, commented Dall'Asta at the end of the board meeting of the association which formalized the candidacies. The deadline for submitting the lists, which must be accompanied by 300 signatures, is Saturday at 17,00. Among the other candidates, a common list is expected from the national acronyms Fabi and Fiba/Cisl who have already distanced themselves from the Friends of the Bpm (the Fabi has placed its internal structure under police control) and who, according to press rumors, should nominate Marcello Messori for the presidency .

The position of the non-employee shareholders' association led by Piero Lonardi and that of the mutual funds coordinated by Assogestioni are still uncertain. The majority list will have eleven directors out of the 17 envisaged by the articles of association. The Supervisory Board will be made up of 17 members, a number that can be raised to 19 to make room for representatives of Cari Alessandria and Crédit Industriel et Commercial. Two of the six seats reserved for minorities are envisaged for funds on condition that they obtain at least one hundred votes, or alternatively, a number of votes equal to at least 2% of the share capital.
