
Bpm replies to Bankitalia: we are at work on governance

The top management of Banca Popolare di Milano are working to resolve once and for all the critical issues of governance, repeatedly accused by the Bank of Italy – Positive stock on the Stock Exchange.

Bpm replies to Bankitalia: we are at work on governance

The top management of Banca Popolare di Milano are working to resolve once and for all the governance critical issues, repeatedly accused by the Bank of Italy, which afflict the institution's operations. The reassurance, according to sources close to the management board, is contained in the letter prepared by the CDG to respond to the findings raised by the Supervisory Authority after the recent inspection.

The management body met in the morning and dismissed the answer, which beyond the passage on governance focuses exclusively on technical issues relating to the bank's operations and which will now have to be read and shared in the supervisory board. The members of the cds will also have to send the counter-arguments on the sanctioning procedure opened against them by Palazzo Koch. Meanwhile, going towards the closing of the Stock Exchange, the Bpm share gains 0,6% a 0,4428 per share.
