
Bpm, Investindustrial exits the capital

Investimenti Strategici Milanesi, the srl indirectly controlled by Andrea Bonomi's company, announced that it "has progressively sold the shares held by the same in Bpm, reducing its stake to below 5% of the capital on 20 January and 2% of the capital on January 23”.

Bpm, Investindustrial exits the capital

Investindustrial abandons the capital of Banca Popolare di Milano.

Investimenti Strategici Milanesi, the srl indirectly controlled by Andrea Bonomi's company, announced that it "has progressively sold the shares held by the same in Bpm, reducing its stake to below 5% of the capital on 20 January and 2% of the capital on January 23”. 

The transfers, a note specifies, "were carried out on the market". Today the company, continues the press release, "no longer holds shares in Banca Popolare di Milano".
