
Bpm, Giarda: "Our choices free from conditioning"

In the coming days, the supervisory board of the Popolare Milanese, led by Piero Giarda, will have to appoint the management board, the president and legal representative of the bank, as well as the managing director - The president of the cds, in a letter, claims his autonomy as Judgment – ​​In the meantime, the title retreats to Piazza Affari.

Bpm, Giarda: "Our choices free from conditioning"

"We are free from conditioning and will operate for a choice that is, in the limited time that we have in front of us, in the exclusive interest of the bank". This was stated by the chairman of the supervisory board of Bpm Piero Giarda in a letter sent to employees and directors of the group, speaking of the heavy choices that the cds will have to make in the coming days: "appoint the management board and the chairman and legal representative of the bank and indicate the managing director, who will be entrusted with the responsibilities of coordinating and organizing the work of managers and employees all over the next two years".

“The participation – continues the letter – belongs to the history of Banca Popolare di Milano. All of you stay close to us and push us to do better: with your work and the guidance of the new management board, Bpm can look to its future with confidence".

Meanwhile, at the end of a very positive morning for the Italian stock market, the Bpm stock proceeds against the trend in Piazza Affari, losing more than 1% and being one of the worst on the Ftse Mib. 
