
Bpm, five lists and a sword of Damocles: that of the Bank of Italy

In view of the meeting on the 22nd, five lists were presented but the sword of Damocles in Via Nazionale hangs over the bank and in particular on the Friends list, which had asked for discontinuity but the grassroots unions pretended not to notice – twists in sight

The Bank of Italy had asked for discontinuity for the Bpm but only partially obtained it. Four of the five lists presented by 17pm on Saturday are in fact new: it is the one supported by Fiba-Cisl and Fabi and appreciated by Matteo Arpe's Sator who nominated the economist and former president of Assogestioni for the presidency of the management board Marcello Messori, but novelties are also present in the lists of Andrea Bonomi headed by Ulrich Weiss, in that of Assogestioni (headed by Roberto Perotti) and in that of non-employee shareholders (headed by Piero Lonardi). A challenge to the Bank of Italy instead represents the list of Friends of the Bpm, supported by the grassroots unions of Uil and CGIL (but the national leaders of Fisac ​​maintain a line of neutrality) which is headed by the accountant Filippo Annunziata but which is peppered with of exponents of the old guard who brought the bank to the brink of chaos and who support a management mortgaged by internal unions.
At this point, surprises are around the corner and the reaction of the Bank of Italy is to be expected which, in view of the meeting, could sterilize the list that does not correspond to the criteria of discontinuity, upsetting the established balance of power that put the correct management of the Bpm at risk. Via Nazionale also has to pronounce on the new statute and therefore the games are all open. In the next few days we will understand whether the risk of chaos will continue for Bpm or whether a turning point will emerge, as above all non-employee shareholders and possible future investors are asking. 
