
Bpm: Bonomi meets trade unions on governance

Starting next Monday, the chairman of the management board of Bpm will meet the general secretaries of the main credit unions to start the process that will have to lead to governance reform by the end of October.

Bpm: Bonomi meets trade unions on governance

Between Monday and Wednesday next week, the chairman of the management board of Bpm, Andrea Bonomi, will meet the general secretaries of the main credit unions to start the process that will have to lead to governance reform by the end of October. 

The discussion will involve all stakeholders, including the different categories of shareholders and internal trade unions. Bonomi will arrive at the meetings without pre-established projects, but intends to maintain certain guidelines, modeled along the lines of the observations made by Bank of Italy after the recent inspection. 

Governance must be modern, capable of improving bank efficiency and above all must exclude any possibility of returning to the past. The revision of the governance and of the industrial plan will then be preparatory to the launch of the 500 million capital increase which will arrive on the market between the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014. 

In April, the appointment will be with the shareholders' meeting called to renew the councils: the progress of the discussion on governance will also allow us to evaluate how many possibilities of confirmation the current top management will have.
