
Stock exchanges: Fed and Germany revive confidence but strong volatility

European stock markets are off to a bad start but market support measures improve the climate – Partial recovery in Europe, US futures are also positive again – Diasorin continues its sharp rise

Stock exchanges: Fed and Germany revive confidence but strong volatility

The European Stock Exchanges are proceeding in strong volatility, in full emergency pending the second vote of the US Congress on the measures to contain the crisis. The race on the roller coaster is determined by the news on the relaunch of the Fed and the German decision to launch a new Bazooka with a deficit maneuver of 156 billion. At the end of the morning, however, Milan recovered some ground. Meanwhile, an important week is beginning for Europe. Eurobonds (or sanibonds) will be discussed in the telephone conference between the technicians of the finance ministries of the euro area, the results of this discussion will reach the Eurogroup in the middle of the week.

Business Square, after yielding more than 3%, travels around parity. Frankfurt fluctuates around +0,28%, Madrid (-2,17%) And Paris (- 0,48%).

futures of Wall Street (where today trading will take place only for electronic hours, after the trading floor is closed) they anticipated an opening in the red by 3% but then turned positive. This morning there Indian stock exchange left 13% on the ground.

Tensions on the debt front are still high: the Btp/Bund spread however, it stops around 200 points. BTPs trade at 1,65%, + 3 basis points. In the evening, the Treasury will communicate the modalities of Thursday's auction on Btpei and Ctz.

The whole situation of the markets is boiling and the variations of the indices and of the spread are in continuous movement.

The governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, said that the ECB's monetary action in support of the European economy infected by Covid-19 "is sufficient today" - a trillion of planned purchases of public and private securities - yet the fact remains that, "if necessary, we are ready to do more".

Il Petroleum Brent trades at 25,6 dollars a barrel. The euro it weakens against the dollar, cross -0,2% to 1,067. Tenaris +2%, despite Jefferies cutting the target price to 7,50 euros

It collapses in Piazza Affari Cnh Industrial (-10%). The board accepted the resignation of CEO Mühlhäuser, who left with immediate effect and named the chairman Suzanne Heywood chief executive officer pro tempore. According to Equita, the business plan approved in September "is definitively compromised". Also Fiat Chrysler it is in marked decline (-2,2%), even if it does better than its partner PSA (-7,7%). According to Fidentiis, the FCA stock discounts the partial payment of the extraordinary coupon and stable exchange in the context of the merger with the French group.

Production also stops Pirelli (-1%), down on the target set by JP Morgan at 3,5 euros.

Meanwhile, some companies have revised their dividend policy: Amplifon (-3%) And Brembo (-8%) have already communicated the prudential suspension of the coupon payment. Poste Italiane (+0,9%) confirmed the detachment in June.

Among the bankers, Ubi it marks +4,5%, looking at Intesa's Ops and gets back in line with the values ​​of the operation. It bounces Ps (+2,6%). Down Unicredit (-2,7%).

The drop below the placement price of 9 euros, today's lows at 8,7, triggers purchases on nexi, which rebounds an 8% increase.

Decided the rise of Diasorin (+5,5%), which received the go-ahead from the Food and Drug Administration for emergency use of its kit for the COVID-19 test.

Go back down Atlantia (-3%). In luxury, Friday's rebound attempt continues: Moncler + 1% Salvatore Ferragamo + 5%.
