
Stock exchanges, with today's collapse Piazza Affari has lost 25,7% since the beginning of 2011

For the Italian Stock Exchange today is not the biggest crash in recent days (on Black Wednesday last week it had lost 6,6%) but it remains one of the strongest (-6,1%). With this new conspicuous decrease, Piazza Affari has lost more than 2011% since the beginning of 25 and becomes in all respects one of the worst lists in Europe.

By now the great collapses of the Stock Exchanges and in particular of Piazza Affari are no longer surprising. But today's crash (-5,8%) is among the most conspicuous in recent times even if lower than that of last week's Black Wednesday (-6,6%). Today's heavy crash causes the Milan stock exchange to lose – FtseMIB index – more than 25% since the beginning of the year and to fall below the psychological threshold of 15.000 basis points. Only the Star segment loses a little less (-17,4 .8%) as well as the Micro cap segment (-XNUMX%).
The big ones in the banking and industrial sector are above all the ones who bear the brunt of today's heavy cuts. The black jersey is Molmed (-13,5%) due to the sales that followed yesterday's boom (over 30%). But the leading stock that paid the most for the black day was Fiat Industrial, which lost 13,3%. Socgen is also doing badly, as in France, losing 12,8% today, followed by Fondiaria-Sai and Fiat. Stocks are on the rise, for which a few purchases are enough to elicit spectacular surges, not always motivated by fundamentals but often with a strong speculative content: Arkmedica gains 13,2%, Borgosesia 7,8%, while in third place is Lazio of Lotito with a leap of 5,4%.
