
Stock Exchange, Ternienergia thanks Warren Buffett

The title of the Umbrian small cap travels significantly higher in Piazza Affari after the American financier announced his intention to invest up to 2,5 billion dollars in US photovoltaics.

Stock Exchange, Ternienergia thanks Warren Buffett

Day in great shape in Piazza Affari for the shares of Ternienergia. At the beginning of the afternoon, the Umbrian small cap gains more than three points, among the best stocks in the entire Ftse Mib, which in the same minutes travels slightly below parity. Purchases on Ternienergia are determined by none other than Warren Buffet.

The legendary American financier has given new life to the entire energy sector (in particular that of renewables, in which the Italian company is active) by announcing that he will invest up to 2,5 billion dollars in photovoltaics in the United States. A sum that will be disbursed by MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co., a subsidiary of Buffett.

The goal is to develop two projects in California, which should become the world's largest photovoltaic plants, with a total capacity of 579 MW. The completion of the works is set for 2015. 
