
Borsa, coverings on Carige: the title soars

The stock of the Genoese institute runs in Piazza Affari, advancing by more than 7% in the late morning – As well as on Mps, the coverings have also started on Carige – The resistance threshold of the maximum since the beginning of 2014 has been exceeded.

Borsa, coverings on Carige: the title soars

Banca Carige's star shines in Piazza Affari. Coverings have taken place on the title of the Genoese institute, as well as on Mps. In the late morning, Carige shares advanced by more than 7% on the Stock Exchange, with very intense trading volumes, after ending up in a volatility auction.

The stock soared after overcoming the obstacle represented by the high at the beginning of 2014 at 0,4914 euros. Beyond this resistance threshold, should it stabilize at around 0,53 euro per share, we could aim for a return to the October peak, at 0,65 euro. 
