
Borsa, Pirelli rises above the price of the ChemChina offer

After the sale from Camfin to ChemChina of 26,2% of Pirelli, in Piazza Affari the price of the shares exceeds the 15 euro foreseen for the takeover bid that the new shareholders will launch together with the Italian and Russian shareholders.

Borsa, Pirelli rises above the price of the ChemChina offer

Pirelli's stock soared on the Stock Exchange, gaining 2% in the mid-morning, to 15,53 euros, achieving one of the best increases on Piazza Affari. The share price thus exceeds the 15 euros expected for the seven billion takeover bid is ChemChina (after purchasing 26,2% of Pirelli from Camfin) will launch on the group together with the Italian and Russian shareholders, with the aim of delisting the company from the Milanese market. 

In the same minutes the Ftse Mib travels down by 0,5%, in line with the main European price lists. The markets are dominated by tension due to the Greek situation, awaiting themeeting this evening between Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Chancellor Angela Merkel. 
