
Stock market: real estate flies to Piazza in Piazza Affari. Rally titles

Stocks in the real estate sector put in place a real rally in Piazza Affari with double-digit increases. It seems that investors are regaining confidence in a sector that is showing the first signs of recovery.

Stock market: real estate flies to Piazza in Piazza Affari. Rally titles

The one put in place today by the titles of the real estate sector in Piazza Affari it is a real rally which represents the umpteenth confirmation of the return of confidence in a sector which is showing the first, timid, signs of recovery after years of darkness.

The rises marked in today's trading day are jaw-dropping. Six titles on shields: Recovery, +15,61% to 0,16 euros; Premuda, +9,90% at 0,20 euro; Prelios +8,55 to 0,40%; Bastogi, +7,43% to 1,734 euros; Gabetti, +7,25% to 1,109 euros; Aedes, +6,67 to 0.54 euros.

Record percentages which, net of the speculative effect, propel the real estate sector, together with Popolari, to the top of the Milan stock exchange which, taking advantage of the favorable economic situation, recovers the losses of recent weeks due to uncertainty over Greece (Ftse Mib better of Europe with a gain of 1,04%).

The agreement between Athens and the creditors seems to have reassured the markets and, as today's excellent performance of real estate stocks suggests, investors are once again betting on Business Square, but above all to diversify their portfolio, giving confidence to a sector that finally seems to raise its head again after a deep and difficult crisis.

Undoubtedly, the last ones also push purchases data published by Istat according to which the third quarter of 2014 saw a 3,7% growth in real estate sales compared to the previous three months, and an overall +0,4% over the corresponding period of 2013. Added to this is also the rise in mortgages, with a total of over 201 mortgage loans disbursed in the first 9 months of last year. 
