
Stock market: Finmeccanica goes up, waiting for De Gennaro

The group's stock travels in clear contrast to the trend in Piazza Affari – According to the latest rumors reported today in the press, Gianni De Gennaro would have won the sprint to the presidency against Giuseppe Zampini – Tomorrow the decisive assembly.

Stock market: Finmeccanica goes up, waiting for De Gennaro

While the rumors about tomorrow's meeting are chasing each other, Finmeccanica travels against the trend in Piazza Affari. At the end of the morning, the share of the aerospace group gained almost one point, against -1,9% of the Ftse Mib. 

According to the latest rumors reported today by the press, Gianni DeGennaro he would have won the sprint to the presidency against Giuseppe Zampini.

“Zampini was seen as a strong opponent of asset disposals – writes Gabriele Gambarova, analyst at Banca Akros -. Furthermore, Zampini's appointment could have been problematic, as there have been reported contrasts with the current ad Pansa. The news is therefore positive and not yet discounted by the market”.
