
Stock exchange, Fiat stands out after renewal of the credit line

As for Fiat Industrial, the company's shares are in positive territory after announcing together with CNH Global that the SEC has declared the information document for US shareholders relating to the post-merger newco effective.

Stock exchange, Fiat stands out after renewal of the credit line

Shines Fiat at Piazza Affari. In mid-morning, the Lingotto stock gained more than two points, posting the best rise of the Ftse Mib, which dropped by 0,4% in the same minutes. The purchases were triggered by news released last Friday concerning the renewal of a three-year revolving credit facility for two billion euros with a group of nine banks, intended to replace the three-year revolving credit facility of 1,95 billion euros years originally signed in July 2011. 

Meanwhile, the American subsidiary of Fiat, Chrysler, said it took advantage of market conditions and an improved credit profile to cut the interest rate on the $2,9 billion loan and $1,3 billion revolving loan. “Under current market conditions – reads a note – the annual cost of interest is down by about 50 million dollars”. 

As for Fiat Industrial, the share of the company travels in positive territory in Piazza Affari after announcing together with CNH Global that the SEC (the American Consob) has declared effective the information document for US shareholders relating to Fi Cbm Holdings, the company that will be born from the merger of Fiat Industrial and CNH and which will take the name of CNH Industrial.
