
Borsa, Bper sale after sale unopted

Bper announces the early conclusion of the offer on the Stock Exchange of the unopted shares due to the sale of all the 756.656 rights left uncovered during the option period – On the Stock Exchange, the stock gains just over 1% at midday.

Borsa, Bper sale after sale unopted

It only took a few hours to sell the unexercised rights relating to the 750 million euro capital increase of Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna on the market. In fact, Bper communicates the early conclusion of the stock market offer of the unopted shares due to the sale of all the 756.656 rights left uncovered during the option period.

The rights will now be exercisable by July 28, and today shortly after noon on title Bper gains more than 1% on the Stock Exchange, a €6,525 per share.
