
Stock Exchange, Banca Etruria suspended indefinitely

Yesterday the securities had already been temporarily suspended pending a note – last Wednesday the institution was placed under the receivership by the Bank of Italy.

Stock Exchange, Banca Etruria suspended indefinitely

The titles of the Banca Popolare dell'Etruria and Lazio were suspended indefinitely from the trading of Piazza Affari. This was communicated by Borsa Italiana, specifying that the financial instruments subject to the provision are the following: Banca Popolare dell'Etruria e del Lazio ordinary shares, 'BP ETRLAZIO TF 7% LG20 LT2 AMORT EUR' bonds, 'BANCA ETRURIA GE17 TASSOFIXO 6,90 bonds, 0004787344%EUR' (Isin ITXNUMX). 

Yesterday the shares had already been temporarily suspended pending a note. On Wednesday the institute was commissioned by the Bank of Italy due to the serious losses of assets.
