
Stock market: Banca Carige in rally (+9,2%)

The news regarding the acceleration established by the board of directors of the bank led by Guido Bastiani on the new industrial plan is causing the Ligurian bank's sprint.

Stock market: Banca Carige in rally (+9,2%)

On the day of standoff against Generali which is inflaming Piazza Affari, the Banca Carige stock also sets off sparks on the Milan stock exchange, setting up a substantial rise of +9,25% to 0,4239 euro, a trend in contrast with that of the sector index in decline of 0,8 percent.

The news regarding the acceleration established by the board of directors of the bank led by Guido Bastiani on the new industrial plan is causing the Ligurian bank's sprint. According to rumors, in Genoa they would have decided to shorten the time for the presentation of the project to the European Central Bank. Not only that, because the operation could be more "bold" than expected both in terms of revenue growth and cost reductions.

According to expectations, the loan should be presented by the end of February and will revolve around the disposal of the now well-known non-performing loans, meeting the requests of the EU authorities. The first tranche of disposal of around one billion NPLs, assisted by a public guarantee to obtain a price of around 30% of the nominal value, should start as early as the end of February. Furthermore, today the Carige board of directors chaired by Giuseppe Tesauro should meet to take stock of the progress of the work.
