
2023 holiday bonus for students, three new INPS calls have been published: here's how to apply online

The INPS has published the first calls for study holidays in 2023 reserved exclusively for students - Then it will be the turn of retirees and teachers - Here's everything you need to know

2023 holiday bonus for students, three new INPS calls have been published: here's how to apply online

THEINPS opens the door to the season of holiday bonus 2023. The National Institute of Social Security has published three calls to request contributions to cover the costs of study holidays in Italy and abroad for students and students during the 2023 summer season in the months of June, July and August, with return by 3 September 2023. But not everyone can benefit from it and there is little time to submit the application: the request must be sent by 12 noon on 27 March. In the coming weeks, however, the calls for tenders are expected pensioners and teachers, all aimed at recognizing contributions for this year's summer holidays. In the meantime, let's see how the Inps 2023 holiday bonus for students works and how to present the online question.

Student holiday bonus 2023: who gets it

The INPS has published three calls for study holidays 2023, reserved exclusively for students:

  1. The competition notice Summer INPS Together Italy 2023;
  2. The competition notice Summer INPS together abroad and thematic holidays in Italy 2023;
  3. The competition notice language course abroad (study living room).

In the first case, the measure is available for an amount ranging from 600 euros and can reach 1.000 euros. The variation of the sum depends on the days spent on holiday ranging from 8 days to two weeks. For abroad and telematic holidays, the amount is instead 2.000 euros for 15 days and the measure is granted to high school students who are no more than 20 years old, while for students with disabilities up to 23 years of age.

However, the tenders are not open to everyone. Only the children of employees or pensioners of the Public Administration registered in the Unitary Management of Credit and Social Services, Management of Public Employees or Management of the Postal Service Fund can apply.

Requirements and amounts for the 2023 Inps holiday bonus

There are also important requirements to be fulfilled in order to access the three tenders:

  1. only students who attended elementary or middle school or high school in the 2022/2023 school year can access the INPSieme Italia Summer tender;
  2. students enrolled in 2022/2023 in upper secondary school (upper) can access the Summer INPS Together abroad tender;
  3. finally, students aged 16 or over who attend the third, fourth or fifth year high school in the 2022/2023 school year and who, as of 30 June 2023, are holders of certification of knowledge (at least B1 level) of the foreign language covered by the course.

In addition to these, it is also essential to have presented the Single Substitute Declaration (DSU) to obtain the Isee model, essential, for some notices, to define the value of the contribution.

the value of the contribution is determined in measure percentage on the lower amount between the maximum contribution payable and the cost of the package, in relation to the ISEE of the family unit to which they belong, as indicated in the table:

How to request the 2023 holiday bonus: online application to INPS

La question for the 2023 holiday bonus for students it must be presented to INPS, using the specific online platform following the path: Notices, notices and invoicing >> Welfare, assistance and mutuality >> Notices and credit and welfare notices >> Notices >> New tenders. To access, you must have a SPID, CIE or CNS digital identity. Attention: the application must be sent by the applicant for the service (even in the presence of an adult beneficiary) no later than 12 noon on 27 March 2023.

When will the payment for the 2023 study holidays arrive?

After submitting the application electronically, it can be viewed using the "View inserted applications" function, within the Reserved Area. The Institute, by 14 April 2023, will publish in the specific section reserved for the competition, four rankings of the admitted with reservations. For the winners, by 9 June 2023, the Institute will order the payment of a deposit, equal to 50% of the amount of the contribution. In the case of beneficiaries who have taken over following the scrolling of the rankings, the payment of the advance will be arranged by 20 June 2023. After the end of the stay, by 9 September 2023 the applicant must upload the correct documentation based on the announcement (for example certificates , copies of the invoice or boarding passes).

If the documentation is correct, the Institute will provide the applicant with the remaining 50% by 25 October 2023. If the documentation is attached after 9 September 2023 - and in any case by 27 October 2023 - INPS will pay the balance by 29 February 2024.
