
License bonus for driving heavy vehicles: here's how it works and who it belongs to

The bonus, in the form of a voucher, will be paid to young people aged between 18 and 35 who obtain a heavy vehicle driving license

License bonus for driving heavy vehicles: here's how it works and who it belongs to

Orienting among all the facilities available is not easy, and perhaps some have gone unnoticed. As the driving license bonus, valid starting from 1 July 2022 and until 31 December 2026, therefore also operational for the year 2023, introduced by the Draghi Government and financed by the fund "Young driver license program for road haulage", which made available 3,7 .2022 million euros for 5,4 and 2023 million euros from 2026 until XNUMX.

All the rules are set by the Interministerial Decree n. 201/2022, jointly signed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility and the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

But what is the purpose of this facilitation? On the one hand, it wants to help companies operating in the road transport sector which are short of manpower. On the other hand, it seeks to reverse a negative trend which especially concerns the novice drivers of our country. Here, in detail, who is entitled to it and how to apply.

Driving license bonus 2023: who is it for? 

The driving license bonus, in fact, should lead to the achievement of documents suitable for driving by encouraging young people to obtain certain licenses.

The voucher will be equal to80% of the expenditure sustained, and in any case for an amount not exceeding 2500 euros. It can be requested only once, does not constitute taxable income of the beneficiary and does not result in the calculation of the ISEE value.

The recipients of these concessions are the citizens of between the ages of 18 and 35 for the achievement of C1, C1E,C,CE,D1,D1E, D, DE licenses and of the Driver Qualification Cards (CQC Goods and CQC Persons, or also together e.g. C license + CQC goods).

Applicants must already have the driving license B.

How to apply?

In order to submit the bonus application, it is necessary to wait for the creation of a special website, which is not currently active yet. When it is, it will be enough to present the online question through the platform on the portal of the Ministry of Infrastructure "Good road haulage licences”, which will also be useful for driving schools to get accredited.

It will be necessary to register via Spid, Electronic Identity Card (CIe) or National Services Card (Cns).

The voucher must be used within 60 days from its issue and the license must be obtained within 18 months from the date of use of the bonus.

Furthermore, the bonus will be granted to the applicants in chronological order and until the funds made available are exhausted for each of the years in which the measure will be implemented.
