
Mom bonus tomorrow: INPS late, but "who is entitled is guaranteed"

It was supposed to leave on January 800st, but the telematic platform for sending the request is not yet ready – Costa, Minister of the Family, reassures: those who have acquired the right from the beginning of the year will receive the XNUMX euros

Mom bonus tomorrow: INPS late, but "who is entitled is guaranteed"

Il bonus mom tomorrow it started uphill. The most awaited welfare measure among those introduced by the family package oflatest budget law – a one-off 800 euros for all women in the eighth and ninth month of pregnancy, with no income ceiling – it was supposed to become operational from 2017 January XNUMX. But still nothing.

Thousands of future mothers and women who have given birth in these first three months of the year flood INPS with questions every day, asking when and how they will finally be able to receive the bonus for the first expenses as a new mother, but they don't receive precise answers. The only clarification arrived concerns the audience of beneficiaries, which, however, remains only theoretical at the moment.

From the INPS they claim that at least they were foreseen from the beginning three months to prepare the platform online through which it will be possible to send requests. But if these technical times were known from the beginning, it is difficult to understand why the government has not postponed the entry into force of the measure. Inps itself, to resolve the situation, could have adopted a bridging solution by accepting paper applications pending the electronic format.

In short, the one about the mom bonus tomorrow looks like a mess. At the moment it is not known when it will be resolved, but those who have accrued the right to these 800 euros starting from last January XNUMXst can rest assured: sooner or later, he will receive that money. These are the words of Enrico Costa, Minister of the Family, who in Repubblica says he is certain of the fact that "INPS is working hard to get everything done in the shortest time possible".

On the other hand, it is easy to predict that, when the situation clears up, the applications accumulated since January will cause further delays. A couple more months, at least. Time to go from mom tomorrow to mom yesterday.
