
Children's bonus: the idea of ​​the government undermining the 80 euros

We are thinking of a new benefit that incorporates family allowances, all bonuses for families and also the 80 euro Renzi bonus - Here's how it works and who earns from it

Children's bonus: the idea of ​​the government undermining the 80 euros

Cancel the 80 euro bonus for employees (copyright Renzi 2014) to absorb it into a new check, more consistent and inclusive, to be allocated who has children. In short, a bonus for children. This is the heart of theFamily Act” to the study of the government, which with these moves aims to counteract the demographic decline, but also to unload the pistol of complaints in the hands of the leader of Italia Viva.

The child bonus project is not at all simple and is based on a series of stratified proposals. The initial idea branded Pd plans to concede 240 euros per month for each minor child and then 80 euros per month from 18 to 26 years oldif the child is still dependent. The new bonus - to be paid in the form of a check or deduction - would be intended for households with family income up to 100 euros gross per year. It would include family allowances, the jungle of bonuses currently in force for families (often contradictory and ineffective) plus an additional endowment of 9 billion euros.

For some time the Forum of Families has been proposing to add to the bill also the Renzi bonus of 80 euros, which is worth 9,5 billion euros a year and would bring the total value of the intervention to 30 billion. The Forum also calls for remove all income caps to grant the bonus in rain: 250 euros per child, full stop. At first up to 18, then up to 26.  

The children bonus operation would be a giant round game. In fact, the State would not spend more than the resources allocated in the budget, but would have to reorganize an entire slice of the welfare system.

The problem is that, having no children, about a third of the workers who receive the Renzi bonus today (2,8 million people out of 10 million) would lose the right to any benefit: from 960 euros up to 24 thousand euros of annual income (with a significant drop up to 26 thousand euros) to zero.  

Against, more than 5,6 million families today excluded from the 80 euros would gain. Another six million families who have been collecting the Renzi bonus for five years could instead collect more money.

They would also come corrected many defects of the 80 euro bonus rushed by the Democratic Party on the eve of the 2014 Europeans, to collect the electoral dividend.  

For example, today the unemployed, self-employed, temporary workers, incompetent people under 8 euros, the middle class above 26 euros and pensioners are excluded from the benefit.

Furthermore, the income ceiling for 80 euros is calculated on personal, non-family income, consequently two spouses who earn 24 euros gross each receive 960 euros multiplied by two (1.920 euros a year), while a single-income family of 27 gross euros, perhaps with children, receives nothing.

Not to mention those who work overtime or more jobs, who first receive the 80 euros, then must return them if overall it exceeds the fateful threshold of 26 euros gross per year.

All these problems would disappear with the children's bonus, which would also broaden the audience and support those who want to have children but are in financial difficulty. It is difficult to imagine with what arguments such a project can be opposed, both by the opposition (which wanted to cancel the 80 euros to move them to the Flat tax) and by Italia Viva.

Meanwhile, two different proposals arrive from Confindustria. For the next budget law, the Industrial Studies Center has carried out two simulations regarding the reduction of the tax wedge being studied by the Government: one which extends the 80 euro bonus to the incompetent which would cost 2 billion and would function as an incentive for work to be modulated together with the Basic income; the other which reshapes the personal income tax bracket from 27% to 23% and would concern 23 million workers at a cost of 7,9 billion.
