
Bonus 600 euros and babysitter: Inps pays between 15 and 17 April

Meanwhile, the government is working to increase the indemnity to 800 euros from April - It is still possible to apply on the INPS website - 300 companies have applied for the Cig

Bonus 600 euros and babysitter: Inps pays between 15 and 17 April

Between Wednesday 15 and Friday 17 April all workers who have requested the 600 euro bonus for the month of March will collect the payment. The government assures this, explaining that these days INPS and banks are working to meet the deadline. The indemnity concerns VAT numbers, but not only: the perimeter includes self-employed, professionals,, seasonal, agricultural and entertainment workers.

The practices received by the social security institution exceeded 4,5 million, for a total of almost nine million people involved. “We had made a commitment with the workers, to pay them the compensation provided by the Cura Italia decree by the middle of the month”, recalls the Minister of Labour, Nunzia Catalfo, underlining that the promise will be kept.


Now that the least is done, the most remains to be done. Once the 600 euro bonus has been archived, the government is working on the new measure that has already been announced for some time – the “April decree” – which in terms of resources will be much more substantial than Cura Italia. There is even talk of double the 25 billion put on the table in March, also because this time the Executive will be able to count on 10-11 billion of tied European structural funds and therefore usable in an antivirus key.

Thanks to these resources it will be possible to inflate the 600 euro bonus: the amount will rise to 800 euro and thus a real emergency income will be introduced for the weakest sections of the population. In fact, the new subsidy will not be a one-off donation: it will certainly cover April and May, but it could also last until the end of the coronavirus emergency.


The 800 euros will go to those who applied for the 600 euro bonus last month, but the audience of beneficiaries continues to grow, because it is still possible to submit the application on the INPS website. After the initial chaos, the Institute has staggered the times for requests on the portal: patronage and authorized intermediaries (accountants, Caf, labor consultants) in the morning, individual citizens in the afternoon.


As for the new ones parental leave overtime introduced by the Cura Italia decree, requests have reached 200 thousand and the government lets it be known that most have already been granted directly by companies to employees. Thanks to this measure, those with children under 12 can stay home from work for a maximum period of 15 days (even if not consecutive) with a salary equal to 50% of their salary. The leave also applies to children between the ages of 12 and 16, but in that case without compensation.  


Instead, the requests to access the babysitter bonus exceeded 40 thousand, which INPS is ready to pay in the family record book by April 15th. This allowance, an alternative to extraordinary parental leave, is worth 600 euros, which rises to a thousand for healthcare personnel.


Chapter layoffs: about 300 companies have requested it so far, for a total of 4,5 million workers. The government assures that the payment will be disbursed within one month of the request.

The Executive then recalls that "the agreement signed by Abi, Inps, trade unions is in full operation, which allows workers suspended from work due to the Covid 19 emergency to receive" from the bank "an advance from the ordinary redundancy fund and by way of derogation of 1.400 euros".


Finally, in the last two weeks over 660 Italian families and businesses have asked to access the moratorium on loans or to the Guarantee Fund for SMEs.
