
Bombassei candidate, the race for the post-Marcegaglia begins

The owner of the Bergamo-based company Brembo is in the running for the top position in via dell'Astronomia. The candidacy is unofficial, but the investiture actually arrived at the beginning of the week, with the call to arms that Bombassei received from the president of the Bergamo industrialists, Rocca. The latter left the list of eligible candidates to become the great elector.

Bombassei candidate, the race for the post-Marcegaglia begins

The dances of the various consortiums begin in via dell'Astronomia (the headquarters of Confindustria in the Eur district, Rome). Bergamaschi and Venetians, the pros Montezemolo and Della Valle, or those who wink at Marchionne using him as a lock pick to unhinge the consolidated structures. And in the background stands the great division of all time: the captains of large state-based industry, against the fierce exponents of the PMI galaxy. In this evolving scenario, the first important candidate now appears, well beyond the rumors: Alberto Bombassei, already a strong man of Confindustria.  

“In these days of waiting – writes Dario Di Vico on Courier of today – the owner of Brembo is meeting several high-ranking entrepreneurs and has already received at least two strong encouragements from Luca di Montezemolo and Franco Bernabè. Bombassei, in addition to being one of Ferrari's main suppliers, was Montezemolo's deputy in the Confindustria presidency team for four years with a much broader autonomy of direction on union relations than that which he enjoyed with Marcegaglia”.
