
More expensive car tax for those who pollute the most: here is the proposal

Senator Puppato aims to include the rule in the next budget law to trigger it as early as 2018

More expensive car tax for those who pollute the most: here is the proposal

A more expensive car tax for the most polluting cars, rather than for the more powerful ones. The proposal, already aired in June by the Minister of Economic Development Carlo Calenda, is now on the table of the Environment Commission in the Senate. If the proposal goes through, highly polluting Euro 3 category cars will be penalized above all.

“This hypothesis – explains Laura Puppato, Pd senator and member of the Senate Environment Commission to AdnKronos – is part of an initial phase of launching a type of economic assessment based not only on GDP, but also on sustainability and environmental justice. 2017 was the first year in which some indicators of Equitable and Sustainable Welfare entered the financial manoeuvre".

The initiative is therefore part of an attempt to make society aware of the issue of sustainability: "The hope - concludes the senator - is that this initiative can be included in the 2018 Budget Law". If so, the novelty would be adopted as early as next year.
