
28-day bills, no refund at the end of the year

The Council of State has decided to suspend reimbursements for consumers, instead accepting the appeal of telephone companies that will not have to pay two billion euros in reimbursement to customers by 31 December. The decision of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court was postponed to 31 March 2019

28-day bills, no refund at the end of the year

The never-ending story of 28-day bills is enriched with a new chapter. With a new twist, the Council of State has suspended reimbursements in favor of users, accepting the appeal of the telephone companies. The ordinance was signed by the president of section VI Sergio Santoro and the official note reads that "The Council of State in the jurisdictional seat accepts the precautionary request and, as a result, suspends the enforceability of the contested provision".

Providential news for Telecom Italia, Vodafone, Wind and Fastweb, what else they should have repaid a total of two billion euros to customers by 31 December. The story is now old. The beginning dates back to 2015, when the companies began to send bills every 28 days instead of every month in order to issue 13 invoices a year instead of 12. In July, with four separate resolutions, the Telecommunications Authority had warned Telecom, Vodafone , Wind Tre and Fastweb to eliminate the effects of what Agcom itself had defined as "illegitimate anticipation".

The Lazio Regional Administrative Court had confirmed the decision, reiterating that the refunds should have arrived by 31 December. Now, however, the Council of State has accepted the appeals presented as a precautionary measure by the telephone companies, suspending the effects of the decision of the Lazio Administrative Court until 31 March 2019. And the end of the story never comes.
