Bocconi launches the Executive MBA Week End in Rome

The Bocconi University of Milan lands in Rome. The Roman edition of the Executive MBA Week End will be presented on 11 November. The course includes 20 months of lessons divided into 280 classroom sessions which will take place on alternate weekends (Fridays and Saturdays) from 4 May 2018 to 27 March 2020. The cost is 44 thousand euros and registrations will close on February 2018st 13. The lessons will take place at the Tim Academy, in via Angelo Emo XNUMX F.

"Thirty-eight years of age, 12 of work experience, with 10% participation of foreign professionals: this is the profile that emerges from those enrolled in the first classes of the EMBAWE of SDA Bocconi currently underway", explains Enzo Baglieri, director of the program . “Four main sectors of origin: the manufacturing industry, from which 44% of the participants come, consultancy and professional services (22%), energy (11%) and the pharmaceutical sector (8%)”.

The teaching will be divided into 4 teaching blocks: the first two provide the fundamental knowledge of the management of business functions and of the relationship between the company and the context in which it operates, addressing disciplines ranging from organizational design to accounting, from supply management to strategy. The third block instead focuses on the skills to deal with changes in the economic scenario, including international management, performance management and business innovation strategy. Finally, in the fourth block there are two 'concentration' appointments, lasting one week full-time each, for the in-depth study of two specific courses among the four available dedicated to finance, digital transformation, service management and entrepreneurship.

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