
Bloomberg: the bank of choice for millionaires? HSBC Hong Kong

The US site Bloomberg has drawn up a ranking of the financial institutions preferred by the scrooges on the planet (12 million people with total assets of 4.620 billion dollars): in first place is the Hong Kong bank HSBC, which manages 137,3 billion dollars owned by 340 families – In the top 50 almost only US banks.

Bloomberg: the bank of choice for millionaires? HSBC Hong Kong

As is known, in the face of the crisis the great estates in the world continue to exist and indeed to grow, and for their owners the problem is not so much how to avoid a recession, a term mostly unknown, but how to maximize the rents from their fortunes.

The US site Bloomberg he thus drew a ranking of the financial institutions preferred by the scrooges of the planet, or rather those traceable, net of escapes to the Caymans and unorthodox investments. In total, according to Capgemini's latest annual report, there are 1 million individuals on Earth with personal assets of at least $12 million, up 9,2% from 2011 to 2012, while their increased by 10% reaching a total of 4.620 billion dollars.

According to Bloomberg, in first place in the ranking of the places chosen by these rich people (in particular, there is an increase in those from Latin America, while in the lead there are always those from North America with 3,73 million) to guard their assets there is the Hong Kong bank HSBC, which manages 137,3 billion dollars owned by 340 families. The other two steps of the podium are occupied by institutions with stars and stripes: the Northern Trust of Chicago with 112 billion (3.457 families) and the Bessemer of New York - which in any case has a branch in the Caymans - with 77,9 billion (2.200 families).

For the rest, the top 50 includes almost only US banks, with the sole exception, for Europe, of three Swiss institutions (Pictet of Geneva is in fifth place overall), the German Spudy & Co. in 24th place and of London's SandAire at the 47th. Bedrock, divided between Geneva, London and Montecarlo, is 25th.
