
Blockchain: how to use it to find work

The technology underlying bitcoin exchanges can also be used to the advantage of active labor policies, facilitating the meeting between supply and demand and eliminating costs and delays associated with the transfer of data between entities - Two proposals from Cnel: the electronic file of the worker and the district blockchain

Blockchain: how to use it to find work

What is that The blockchain? Primarily known as a digital ledger for exchanges in bitcoins, chain of blocks it is a technology that could prove useful in many other fields in the future, starting with active employment policies.

The National Council of Economy and Labour, in one of his notebooks, from this definition of the blockchain: “A decentralized and distributed database that stores information and legal relationships (transactions) in blocks on a peer-to-peer type network (i.e. via direct, unsupervised connection) capable of ensuring decentralization, transparency, security and the real immutability of the data and their history”.


But how can blockchain be used to advance the job market? A research group from the Roma Tre University and CNEL itself - in collaboration with the National Agency for Active Labor Policies and with the Privacy Guarantor - proposes to create a new tool: the electronic employee file.

Basically, it would be a question of inserting the information relating to each worker in a digital document accessible only to the subjects of the national network for employment policies (INPS, Anpal, employment centres, patronages, employment agencies). The data would not be stored in the traditional databases of the various entities, but - precisely - in the blocks that make up a single blockchain. In this way, the efficiency of active policies would increase, because all institutions would have access to updated, correct and coherent information at the same time, eliminating costs and delays associated with the transfer of data between institutions.

Here are the data that each file should contain:

  • state of employment/unemployment/unemployment status over time;
  • application and eventual use of social shock absorbers;
  • contribution situation;
  • qualifications;
  • training courses followed.


Not only. Still in the context of active labor policies, the blockchain could also be used to propitiate the match between labor supply and demand, promoting cooperation between public and private subjects such as job centres, private employment agencies, businesses, workers, universities and high schools.

"The blockchain - writes the Cnel - allows these subjects to share updated, certified, reliable, complete information in real time, relating to the characteristics of the supply and demand for work in a specific territorial area, exponentially increasing the opportunities for matching between those looking for and those offering work”.

An experiment of thisdistrict blockchain” will be launched shortly in three regions: Lombardy, Lazio and Sardinia. "Not only employment data will be collected - concludes the Cnel - but also administrative conduct, to demonstrate the greater effectiveness of the blockchain".
