
Evictions block, new extensions. Confederation arises

The Sostegni 1 decree has become law and provides for a further postponement to the blockade (desired by the League), depending on the date of release: from 30 June foreseen by the Milleproroghe it reaches 30 September or even 31 December. The owners: "We will fight for Sostegni Bis"

Evictions block, new extensions. Confederation arises

There is still controversy over the blocking of evictions, a problem that has been dragging on for almost a year and a half now due to the pandemic. The measure, wanted by the previous government and confirmed by it, was initially considered sacrosanct to give breathing space to families and businesses in crisis, but it is becoming increasingly unpopular because it severely penalizes property owners, even small ones who are themselves in difficulties due to Covid and lost rental income. Initially the block on eviction executions was supposed to end at the end of summer 2020, then with various postponements it arrived, with the Milleproproghe decree last January, a extend it until June 30 this year. Now, however, the Sostegni 1 decree, with an amendment presented by the League, has granted additional time to defaulting tenants: until 30 September 2021 for the release orders issued by the Court between 28 February and 30 September 2020; even up to 31 December 2021 for the release measures adopted from 1 October 2020 to 30 June 2021.

Confedilizia arises, noting that "although the rationale of the rule was to distinguish between the situations prior to Covid and the subsequent ones, it has not achieved that result at all, because it is clear that a release provision arrives at the culmination of judicial proceedings which are usually very long, and which therefore, even if issued in 2020, can easily refer to previous arrears". At the moment, for those who received the eviction order before 28 February 2020, the expiry of the block on 30 June is therefore confirmed: from 1 July the evictions can be carried out. However, Confedilizia is asking that the February 28 deadline, which coincides with the start of the pandemic, be postponed by a few months: "Maybe to September 2020", they explain from the offices of the historic association that has represented homeowners since 1883, and which now continues to put pressure on the technicians of the Ministry of Justice to modulate a rule that seems really unbalanced in favor of defaulting tenants.

The next stage in this long and painful affair will take place during the discussion of the Sostegni Bis decree, which has just been published in the Official Gazette and which will will pass to the examination of the Parliament: the hope of Confedilizia and the homeowners is to confirm the enforceability of the evictions on 1 July for all cases actually preceding and not related to the pandemic. While for the more recent ones, objectively conditioned by the crisis, it does not seem illegitimate to allow additional time.
