
BFF Bank presents the new project dedicated to post-war art

The project revolves around a selection of works by Italian artists, part of the private collection of contemporary art of the Farmafactoring Foundation, which pays homage to the art of the second half of the twentieth century, as well as being an integral part of the history and evolution of the Group who has collected the works over the years.

BFF Bank presents the new project dedicated to post-war art

Presented the project ART FACTOR – The Pop Legacy in Post-War Italian Art edited by BFF and which first takes the form of the publication of the homonymous volume by Skira publisher Milan Genève Paris and a website entirely dedicated to the collection, which will later find its completion in a traveling exhibition in Europe.

It was theart factor which — over twenty years ago — laid the foundations for what would later become a collection of over 250 works of art, from the post-war period to the early 2000s, created by artists of the level of Valerio Adami, Enrico Baj, Alberto Burri, Hsiao Chin, Mario Schifano, Arnaldo Pomodoro and Joe Tilson.

The selection tells the Italian path towards Pop Art, through the works of Valerio Adami, Franco Angeli, Enrico Baj, Lucio Del Pezzo, Gianfranco Pardi, Mario Schifano and Emilio Tadini. Since the mid-XNUMXs, these artists have grappled with a long iconographic tradition, revising the avant-gardes and stylistic techniques of the past, making use of a rich variety of means often at the service of social and cultural activism.

The art volume edited by Maria Alicata, and the works that characterize the Collection: from the origins with Lucio Fontana, Alberto Burri, Enrico Baj and Giacomo Balla, to the legacy of Pop Art with Valerio Adami, Emilio Tadini, Gianfranco Pardi and Lucio Del Pezzo, tell precisely this story: the desire to be an active part, not spectators, in the creation of value for society.

Thanks to this initiative, the Collection - which is on permanent display at the BFF headquarters in Milan - will be the subject of a traveling exhibition in Europe during the two-year period 2021 and 2022. Among the cities selected for this itinerary, also Athens, Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, Warsaw and Milan, representing some of the main countries in which the Group currently operates.

"Art and culture are an important driving force to pursue the development of companies and society. It was precisely this conviction that prompted BFF to create, over twenty years ago, the collection bearing the "Made in Italy" brand - he has declared Marco Rabuffi, President of the Farmafactoring Foundation. “BFF has transferred the collection to the Foundation to nurture and further promote it, and today we are honored to participate in this project, which will offer a new and different perspective of our history, through the universal language of art."

"Organizations that operate in highly dynamic contexts know how important it is to always be ready to face the unexpected. This applies more than ever to today's reality. In our daily life, art reminds us of the importance of imagination, creativity, innovation, all crucial elements for our vision." - he has declared Massimiliano Belingheri, Chief Executive Officer of BFF Banking Group. “CWe hope that this project will bring new insights for people, companies and society as a whole."
