
Best wishes from President Mattarella to FIRSTonline for its five years

On the occasion of the fifth birthday of FIRSTonline, the Quirinale sent our newspaper a very welcome telegram of congratulations and appreciation "for an editorial initiative that follows the delicate sector of the economy and finance with competence, professionalism and transparency"

Best wishes from President Mattarella to FIRSTonline for its five years

Among the many messages of good wishes and congratulations received yesterday at FIRSTonline for its first five years of lifestands out the very welcome telegram sent to our president Ernesto Auci and to our director Franco Locatelli by Giovanni Grasso, adviser for press and communication to the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella.

Here is the text of the telegram from the Quirinale: "On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of FIRSTonline, in the name of the President of the Republic and myself, I send best wishes and appreciation for an editorial initiative that follows the delicate issue with competence, professionalism and transparency sector of economics and finance”.

A telegram, that of the Presidency of the Republic, which does credit to FIRSTonline and which encourages us to continue with renewed enthusiasm on the path of quality information.
