
Bersani: Quirinale? Very large majority. No to early elections

The secretary of the Democratic Party at the press conference: "No to the PDL in the government" - "We will seek a very large majority on the election of the President of the Republic" - "I'm staying alone until the next party congress - "If I'm an obstacle, I'm available" .

Bersani: Quirinale? Very large majority. No to early elections

“Take my word for it: on the election of new President of the Republic we are faithful to the Constitution, which calls all of us to work honestly for a solution of broad or very broad parliamentary convergence in the first three votes. Until proven otherwise, we work like this, at least as long as possible". The secretary of the Democratic Party said this afternoon, Pier Luigi Bersani, during a press conference at the headquarters of the Pd.  

As for the possibility of forming a new government, “unlike many, we start from the need for co-responsibility of the parliamentary forces – continued Bersani -. The problem is how to achieve it: closing politics in a fort? Making a so-called government we, Pdl and perhaps Civic choice? In our opinion, this would be a wrong answer, because it would configure a self-protecting policy, a government paralyzed in the face of the need for change. So we made another proposal and my appeal is: look at it better. It is a proposal that combines the needs of a government for change and the launch of a path of constitutional reforms”. And a Technical Executive? Bersani does not believe "that a Monti government without Monti could be a solution".  

The basic idea does not change: "Whoever has the greatest role in this government must take on the responsibility of initiating the legislature and declaring what can be done to improve the economic and social front, in parallel with the launch of a mechanism that delivers at the same time the reform of the second part of the Constitution. We have proposed this scheme to all parliamentary forces: the forces closest to us can participate in the government, while we have asked the others not to impede the departure of the legislature".

As for the responses of the other parties, “we were faced with a full-blown disengagement by the 5 Stars, who had 8 million voters and apparently intend to put them in the refrigerator. In this way, a legislature is not preserved, because without a government, the legislature and the Parliament cannot go ahead. And there is no insult that cancels this truth. From the side of PDL, we have registered a position that accepts our scheme, provided it is balanced by the choice of the President of the Republic. And not in the sense of a search for a solution shared by the parliamentary forces, but in the sense that the right should designate the President and we should vote for him. An attitude that is unthinkable and unacceptable for us”.

Finally, a comment on Napolitano's last decisions: "He did what he should and could do - Bersani said again -, that is to guarantee institutional and government continuity to Europe and Italy, to which he decided to add a mechanism to facilitate the examination of the points that can mark consensus and dissent between political forces. Among other things, it is a group for the economy and one for institutions”, added the secretary, alluding to a consonance with the division of his program. 

“In our opinion, the only possible path is to work together on this double register – concluded Bersani -. Our problem cannot be solved with new elections. If Bersani is needed to help take this path, Bersani is there, but if it were an obstacle he would make himself available, because Italy comes first. As soon as there is a party congress, the wheel will turn: it will be someone else's turn. I'll take the party there." 
