
Bersani: Chambers to PDL and Movimento 5 Stelle

In an interview with “La Repubblica”, the leader of the Democratic Party Pier Luigi Bersani endorses the hypothesis launched yesterday by Massimo D'Alema: “When institutions are at stake, I am open to all hypotheses” – “Most government? The idea does not exist and there never will be” – “I, premier of a government with 7-8 points, ask Parliament for the trust of those who are in it”.

Bersani: Chambers to PDL and Movimento 5 Stelle

“Whoever arrives first does not have the exclusive right to institutional positions. But there are two aspects that I would like to underline. The first: the emergency cannot be faced with the old besieged citadel schemes of politics. The second: when institutions are at stake, I am open to all hypotheses, but when it comes to government, there can be no ambiguity". In an interview with "La Repubblica", the leader of the Pd Pier Luigi Bersani endorses the hypothesis launched yesterday by Massimo D'Alema in the columns of the "Corriere della Sera": granting the presidency of the two chambers to the PDL and the Movimento 5 Stelle.  

At that point the real puzzle to solve will be confidence that the next executive will have to obtain in the Senate, where there is no absolute majority. “Next Wednesday in the direction I will take responsibility to do the proposal of a government of change, which clearly signals the phase change with seven to eight programmatic points – continued Bersani – and who asks Parliament for the trust of those who are in it. When the Head of State calls me for consultations, I will present this platform as the basis for a government of change, of which I am running for President. With this platform i I appeal to all political forces, to see who is ready to assume their responsibilities.” 

The door is definitively closed instead to the hypothesis of a government of broad understandings with the PDL. “I haven't heard of any proposals from a very government so far. They would be the death of the Democratic Party, they would be answers to a policy that rejects reality and withdraws into itself. I have another idea: as I always said during the electoral campaign, we need a fighting government, and I'm ready to lead it”.
