
Berlusconi promises: maneuver on the way

It will be 3 or 4 billion - The premier has also assured that he will enact the enabling law on tax reform before the summer - He has also maintained the goal of a balanced budget by 2014

Berlusconi promises: maneuver on the way

   Silvio Berlusconi wanted to reassure about possible disagreements with Giulio Tremonti. With the Minister of Finance and with Umberto Bossi “we are in agreement – ​​he declared today – that the Government will enact the enabling law on tax reform before the summer”.

The premier also assured that, before the summer break, the Executive will correct the budget balances for an amount of 3 or 4 billion euros. In short, maneuver incoming.

Berlusconi also wanted to defuse tensions within the majority over the imminent multi-year manoeuvre: "There is nothing worrying - he assured -, it is just a question of adhering to the indication that the European Commission has proposed to the Heads of State and government to bring our budgets into balance by 2014”.
