
Berlusconi launches Forza Italia but does not rage on Alfano: "We will form a coalition"

Il Cavaliere launches the new Forza Italia and fires on the Democratic Party and the judiciary but spares Alfano ("The split pains me but the division only arose from personal reasons") and announces that with the new group he will form a coalition like with the Lega and Fratelli d' Italy - But the audience cries out to the "traitors" - The Letta government still has the majority, even if it is smaller

Silvio Berlusconi launches the new Forza Italia and does not hide his pain for the divorce of Angelino Alfano and his friends but minimizes it ("It was only due to personal reasons") and does not rage, on the contrary invites the audience of loyalists (who he railed against the secessionists calling them "traitors") to avoid criticism so as not to widen the gap. Berlusconi, who was moved and had a slight illness during the demonstration at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome, is already thinking of a centre-right coalition with Alfano's group as well as with the League and with the Brothers of Italy.

If he was tender with the deputy premier, Berlusconi did not spare broadsides to the left ("I cannot govern with those who want to kill the leader of a political party voted by millions of Italians"), to the judiciary and to the Letta government itself, which suffers – according to him – an economic policy desired by Germany.

By launching the new Forza Italia, Berlusconi has essentially opened the electoral campaign for the European elections in which it is all too likely that he will find himself in the company of Beppe Grillo under the sign of the most indifferent anti-European populism.

However, the Knight acknowledged that today he does not have the numbers to bring down Letta and, in fact, as had already clearly emerged from the debate on trust at the beginning of October, the current government will be based on slightly less broad agreements but it has the strength in Parliament to move forward and perhaps become a little more cohesive.

The first check will take place on Wednesday in the Cancellieri case – where a reverse indifference is being exercised, especially cultivated by Grillo, Renzi and Sel.

It will also be interesting to see what the effects of the other rift that matured yesterday will be: that of Civic Choice. In this case, the repercussions on the government should be zero, but it is probable that Mauro's Popolari will unite with Alfano's group, forming a rassemblement of the Center which perhaps definitively buries the bipolarity that has never had any luck in Italy. 
