
Berlin, summit: more unity than division between Merkel and Renzi

Relaxed climate and willingness to cooperate to create a better Europe. Angela Merkel and Matteo Renzi dilute the frictions. Pact of permanent consultation. Italy is available on Türkiye, but awaits answers from Brussels. Renzi on flexibility: "EU applies the rules without ambiguity". Merkel: "Renzi's reforms are just and ambitious"

Berlin, summit: more unity than division between Merkel and Renzi

Immigration, flexibility and growth. As expected, these were the topics addressed during the today's conversation between Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The two leaders eased the tension of recent months, reaffirming their intention to cooperate in order to build a stronger, more solid and different Europe from the current one. Although differences continue to exist, "Germany and Italy are on the same side".

Merkel's offer to Renzi of a permanent consultation pact before each European summit is fundamental, which raises Italy's rank in the European Union.

«There is a European spirit that unites us» explained the German chancellor, complimenting Italy on the results achieved: «Premier Renzi started with a very ambitious reform agenda and the Jobs Act is moving in the right direction. The success of these reforms will be an important contribution to Europe and to Italy."

During the press conference following the meeting, the Italian Premier and the German Chancellor reaffirmed their willingness to fight illegal immigration not only through greater control of external borders, but also by implementing processes that make it possible to pacify and restore balance to territories at risk such as Syria and Libya.

Speaking of one of the most sensitive issues of the moment, namely i three billion euro loans to Türkiye supported by Germany, Renzi declared Italy's absolute willingness to do its part. However, the Italian contribution will come when the European institutions give the answers that our country has been requesting for some time: "how will this contribution be calculated?" – the prime minister clearly asked, referring to the possibility of releasing resources from the stability pact. "We hope that the answers we asked in Brussels regarding the computation of this money can arrive as soon as possible". Also because "if Europe loses Schengen, it loses itself". Maximum availability therefore, but not blindfolded.

Another topic on which the two leaders discussed is that relating to flexibility required by our country under the 2016 Stability Law. "We don't think in the same way about the dynamics of economic policy management", underlined Matteo Renzi, recalling the great work done in recent years to restore growth in Italy, implementing expected reforms for twenty years without violating the parameters established by Maastricht.

The Premier reiterated that the flexibility requested by Italy is nothing more than one of the rules envisaged by the EU, rules which must be applied "unequivocally". It is also one of the conditions underpinning the agreement which led to the election of Jean Claude Juncker.

Speaking of the high Italian public debt, Renzi assured: "We are the first to say that we have to bring down the debt: I'm not saying this to please Angela, but to please my children".

“The beautiful thing is this. That even when it comes to the communication of flexibility, we both accept that there are divergent interpretations of the Commission» concluded Angela Merkel. "I don't get involved in these things - she added - It is up to the Commission to decide the interpretation"
