
Petrol prices go up: green over 1,8 euros per litre

According to Staffetta Quotidiana, fuel prices rose sharply over the weekend: green petrol exceeded 1,8 euros per litre, diesel rose above 1,7 euros.

Petrol prices go up: green over 1,8 euros per litre

Rising quotations are dragging up fuel prices, which over the weekend rose again, after more than a month, above above 1,8 euros per liter for petrol and 1,7 euros per liter for diesel. According to the survey by Staffetta Quotidiana, all the major companies excluding IP have made price increases, ranging between 1 and 1,5 cents per litre.

The weighted average prices in served mode stood this morning at 1,806 euros (up by 1,2 cents) for green and 1,707 euros (+1,3 cents) for diesel.
