
Bentivogli on Ilva: ok to the negotiation but no politicization

According to the leader of the Fim-Cisl, Marco Bentivogli, the reopening of the negotiations on Ilva is good news, but on condition that there are no electoral manipulations: "It will be a very tough negotiation"

“We just learned the other day from the Ministry of Economic Development of the willingness to reopen negotiations with Arcelor Mittal as soon as possible. However, the negotiation will be very tough to achieve our objectives on employment, the environment, investments and confirmation of the contractual conditions of the workers. But it is positive news that the Government's intervention, together with the trade union mobilization, has reopened the starting conditions of the negotiation to the agreement between the Ilva commissioner management and Arcelor Mittal ". As Marco Bentivogli, general secretary of Fim Cisl, commented on the reopening of the table for the sale of Ilva.

"We hope - added Bentivogli - that a real negotiation opens that leaves no room for politicization and electoral exploitation that would make one of the most complicated disputes in the history of this country even more difficult".
