
Bentivogli, gruesome death threats: letter with 10 bullets

Marco Bentivogli, former number 1 of the metalworkers of the Cisl and today leader of Base Italia, is once again in the crosshairs of terrorists despite having lived under guard for years: a letter was delivered to him in his home in Ancona with 10 bullets and death threats to him, his family and the escort – “We are in shock”

Bentivogli, gruesome death threats: letter with 10 bullets

The former general secretary of Fim Cisl, Marco Bentivogli, is still under attack. The former trade unionist, now leader of Base Italia and already the subject of intimidation and threats in the past (he has been living under guard for years), received a letter with bullets in his home in Ancona on Sunday, which contained threats against him, his family and also some men of the escort. Ten loaded bullets in all, five for the shotgun and five for the 7.65 pistol. The police and scientific police immediately intervened on the spot. According to some agencies, the threats concern the Ilva affair. There would also be references to navigators, the tutors who are entrusted with identifying potential jobs for recipients of basic income.

“My daughter and my wife are in shock, they even threatened the escort. I was hoping they wouldn't arrive in Ancona,” Bentivogli commented hotly. Solidarity also from Bentivogli's successor at the helm of the metalworkers union of the Cisl: "A new very serious fact, unacceptable in a democratic country, the threats received today by Marco Bentivogli through an envelope delivered to his home containing numerous bullets and threats addressed to him and to the family. We cannot tolerate the barbarism of political and social debate and the use of cowardly actions of this kind that evoke distant years of time that we do not want to think of seeing return. We gather around Marco and the family to whom all our support goes. In our country we must all guarantee the spaces of freedom and respect that we have conquered for decades and from which we cannot retreat an inch", he commented Roberto Benaglia, secretary general Fim Cisl.

**** All the solidarity of FIRSTonline goes to Marco Bentivogli and his family.
