
Bentivogli (Fim-Cisl): "Industry 4.0 ok, but now a radical change in training"

According to the general secretary of the CISL metalworkers, the Government's teamwork on Industry 4.0 is "positive", but more needs to be done on training and "those who are against the reductions on training and technology want capital to continue to flee from the company" – “Technology has allowed us to save thousands of jobs”

Bentivogli (Fim-Cisl): "Industry 4.0 ok, but now a radical change in training"

The secretary general Marco Bentivogli speaking on ClassTv CNBC commenting on the press conference of Ministers Carlo Calenda, Pier Carlo Padoan, Valeria Fedeli and Giuliano Poletti on first results of the Industry 4.0 plan and 2018 forecasts he commented as follows: “It is very positive to finally see four ministers tuned in and pushing in the same direction”. 

"The country - said Bentivogli - needs to do a few things but, for once, all together, when we talk about industry 4.0, however, we must think of an entire 4.0 ecosystem, intelligent energy networks, smart cities, a training system continues, a streamlining of bureaucracy, etc. otherwise it doesn't work".

With regard to the Competence Centers, which Minister Calenda underlined was the phase of the plan with the most delay and difficulty, Bentivogli recalled how for six months discussions were held, wasting time, on who should be inside: "What the minister is saying now confirms what Fim wrote together with ADAPT on this issue in the green book on Competence Centers”.

In the coming days, one year after the presentation of the plan and in the light of the meeting with companies and workers' representatives, the White Paper will be disseminated which, in addition to evaluating the progress of the first part of the plan, will include concrete proposals to ensure that the investments made by companies do not vanish when it is necessary to manage them through new skills and a new organization. 

According to Bentivogli, “those who continue to speak out against tax relief on training and technology want capital to continue to flee from the company towards income or abroad. On the match of training and skills we need to do a deeper work all together, in the renewal of the metalworkers' contract signed on November 26th, anticipating the change, we introduced the subjective right to training. Our idea is that in all working relationships training must enter seriously in quantity and quality”. 
"The problem today - the trade unionist underlined again - is that our young people leave school too early, but at the same time they enter work too late, interrupting their training path with the start of work, with this paradox we are unable to enter in an Italy 4.0. Technology, contrary to what a technophobic part of the country would like to say, has allowed us, by using some of the 9 enabling technologies of industry 4.0, in the most demanding union agreements, to save thousands of jobs, allowing the return of production from abroad and emphasizing how scarce technology hurts employment and encourages relocations”.

Every job created in innovative companies in all European countries creates at least three more. “In Italy, our production fabric is too small together with a system deficit that reduces the scope of this multiplier. For this reason – says Bentivogli – SMEs in our country can represent the heart of Industry 4.0 but we need to accompany them, bring them together and give them access to innovation, training and new work organization systems”.

In conclusion, the Fim Cisl leader underlines, net of the critical issues of southern participation in the incentives that "for once a check and balance was carried out to verify what went and what didn't and improve phase two and go incrementally, a good sign. Don't stop now."
