
Bentivogli: “Have we ruined Italy? Because you can't do without the union"

A book by Marco Bentivogli, the dynamic general secretary of the metalworkers of the Cisl, is coming out these days, with the deliberately provocative title “Have we ruined Italy? Because you can't do without the union", published by Castelvecchi (pages 208, 16,5 euros) which addresses the limits and contradictions of the union to indicate the ways of a profound renewal that will make the union a protagonist in the new world of Industry 4.0

Bentivogli: “Have we ruined Italy? Because you can't do without the union"

A part of public opinion sees the Italian trade unions (and trade unionists) as a form of resistance to change, an obstacle to the development of modernity. Commonplace, media or political instrumentation or was there some mistake that allowed the affirmation of such a ferocious vision? Marco Bentivogli, young trade unionist, secretary general of the metalworkers of the Fim Cisl starts from a sincere criticism of the limits of the union to describe with a very interesting analysis, also made up of concrete examples, a different way of being and representing, in a historical moment in which "representing" others has become one of the most difficult and at the same time crucial challenges of modern society.

Trade unionist who respects and knows the history of his organization in depth, but today he looks at the present of what the union is and what it will be in the future and tells what lies behind the clichés: a reality made up of people and stories that they fit into a deeply changed working context compared to the recent past, also characterized by important technological or organizational innovations, such as world class manufacturing or smart working for example.

“Have we ruined Italy? because you can't do without the union" starts from an analysis of how the geography of work has changed and is changing, in Europe and in the world, and explores the context in which the new factory fits into what is defined as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0.

Bentivogli, starting from the direct experience of the country's harsh industrial disputes (including Whirlpool-Indesit, Ilva, Ast, Alcoa), explores the theme of industrial relations in our country, their evolution to keep up with the changes taking place and the choice of innovation and participation in corporate and national negotiations. In all of this, the union must also know how to renew itself, studying, doing research, on work organization, on Industry 4.0, on Big Data and on new technologies, to get back to involving thousands of girls and boys. The union that serves our country can be a fundamental glue for cohesion and a barrier to social vulnerability and can contribute to organizational development and productive and social growth. This is, in fact, the union that "one cannot do without".

Marco Bentivogli

46 years old, he has been General Secretary of Fim Cisl since 2014. He was responsible for the Cisl Young Metalworkers Network and secretary in Bologna and Ancona, and then regionally in the Marche region. In 2008 he entered the National Secretariat. He has dealt with a large part of the metalworking industrial sectors and, during the crisis, with difficult disputes, such as Alcoa, Lucchini, Ilva, Ast, Whirlpool-Indesit.

"The union is an experience of promoting work and people that gives breathing space to democracy, a healthy counterweight to political and economic power."

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