
EIB and Banca del Mezzogiorno: 50 million for SMEs and Mid-Caps

New and ongoing projects can be financed, not exceeding 12,5 million euros and with a maximum duration of 12 years - SME projects will also be able to access the guarantee of the Central Fund

The European Investment Bank has opened a new credit line with Banca del Mezzogiorno-MedioCredito Centrale: 50 million euro to finance investment projects of Italian SMEs and Mid-Caps.

The loans made available by the EIB will be able to cover up to 100% of the investment - with a maximum of 12,5 million euros for each project - and with a duration of between 4 and 12 years. SME projects will also be able to access the guarantee of the Central Fund.

The initiative is aimed at Italian companies, with particular regard to SMEs and Mid-Caps on which the bank - as envisaged by the new 2018-2020 business plan, recently approved following the share transfer to Invitalia – will concentrate the lending activity mainly in support of the southern economy.
