
ECB, new record for overnight deposits

Eurozone banks have deposited 411,8 billion euros in Frankfurt's coffers, undermining the previous record which dated back to June 2010 - The data testifies to the persistence of tensions on the interbank market

ECB, new record for overnight deposits

New record for overnight deposits in the coffers of the ECB. Eurozone banks have parked in Frankfurt coffers well 411,8 billion (against 346,9 billion last Thursday). It's about the highest figure since the introduction of the euro. The previous record of 384,3 billion, which was reached in June 2010, in the midst of the Greek crisis, was beaten by posting. The new record comes later instead last week's maxi-auction with which the Eurotower has injected liquidity into the banking system for almost 500 billion euros.

Once again the figure underlines the persistence of tensions on the interbank market of the Old Continent: credit institutions prefer in fact to resort to the counter of the European Central Bank (which guarantees very low rates, at 0,25%), rather than lending liquidity to each other at higher rates. They basically stay on the other hand, overnight loans requested at the marginal branch remained stable ECB (with a rate of 1,75%), which went from 6,3 to 6,1 billion.
