
ECB: rating agencies promote the biggest banks with which they do most business

This is the conclusion reached by a research by the ECB - By cross-referencing the list of banks that issue the most derivatives with that of the institutions that receive the best ratings, we find many matches - The credibility of the agencies is questioned.

ECB: rating agencies promote the biggest banks with which they do most business

After collecting the data of the 1.189 issuers of abs derivative securities collected in the Dealogic database, the researchers cross-referenced the list of the 200 largest issuers (which cover a market share of 90%) with that of the 369 banks that received the best votes, reaching the conclusion that as many as 53 institutions were included in both lists, while the remaining 147, for the vast majority, are not banks.

In any case, the figure is not surprising, but the ECB's authority certainly cloaks the search for great credibility, and puts it once again the system of rating agencies is being questioned which, in addition to being fallible, seriously risks proving to be self-referential.

