There is, finally, a decree on citizenship income which the government is expected to approve this week. Words written in black on white outlining the contours of the most eagerly awaited measure of the year. Indeed measures, given that the draft also contains the rules valid for odds 100. It is, we repeat, a draft and therefore a text probably subject to modifications by Parliament, but for the first time it is possible to understand what the rules, the amounts, the stakes and the sanctions are. However, some doubts, especially in relation to the stalls and roofs, remain where they are.
After first draft of the decree, the Government has also released an accompanying report in which it clarifies the mechanisms of the measure. As indicated by Palazzo Chigi i beneficiary families of income and the citizen's pension will be 1.734.932 million, corresponding to 4.916.786 million natural persons. There are 2019 billion euros available for 6,1, which will become 7,75 billion in 2020, 8,1 in 2021 and 7,8 from 2022 onwards. As far as basic income alone is concerned, the audience of beneficiaries corresponds to 1,4 million households, 4 million people in total.
If the numbers referring to the audience are confirmed, each household in 2019 will receive an average of around 290 euros per month, equal to 137 euros per month per natural person. In any case, this is an average figure much lower than the 780 euros initially promised and the same financial compatibility declared for the provision.
In terms of resources, in fact, another important novelty must also be taken into consideration: according to what is stated in the draft, in the event that the funds allocated are not sufficient, "financial compatibility will be re-established by remodulating the amount of the benefit". Translated into simple words checks will be cut. However, the cut will not concern those who already receive the citizen's income or pension, but "the disbursements of the benefit following the exhaustion of the resources not set aside".
Citizenship income is described as a "unique measure to combat poverty, inequality and social exclusion, to guarantee the right to work, the free choice of work".
The disbursement will start in April 2019, while applications can be presented from March. In addition to the subsidy for families and singles, the decree also provides for clear rules that the recipients will have to follow to find work, under penalty of forfeiture. Incentives have also been established for companies that will hire citizens' income holders on a permanent basis.
They will be able to receive the basic income Italian citizens and foreigners with a long-term residence permit. However, applicants must be resident in Italy "on a continuous basis for at least 10 years at the time of submitting the application". The rule also applies to Italian citizens. Therefore, those who have moved their residence abroad in the last 10 years, even for a few months, will not be entitled to the subsidy.
He is not entitled to basic income who is in prison, who is hospitalized in long-term care institutions or welfare structures paid for by the State and who is unemployed following voluntary resignations (excluding those for just cause).
We come to the most important chapter, the one relating to the (stringent) requirements necessary to possess the income.
Economically, they are three main parameters to keep in mind:
1 Isee less than 9.360 euros per year,
2 real estate assets, other than the residential house, not exceeding 30 thousand euros,
3 financial assets (including current accounts, securities and shares) of less than 6 thousand euros per individual. The figure may increase by 2 euros for each member of the family unit, up to a maximum of 10 euros, but will still increase by 1.000 euros for each child after the second. Finally, the sum will be increased by 5 euros for each disabled member of the household.
But beware of two other stakes: no member of the family unit must possess auto new (purchased in the 6 months preceding the submission of the application) and in any case cars with engine capacity exceeding 1.600 cc or motorcycles with engine capacity exceeding 250 cc registered in the previous two years. Ships and sports boats will not be allowed either.
It will be necessary to pay close attention to possessing all the requisites indicated, also because those who make false declarations to obtain citizenship income will risk up to six years in prison and will not be able to apply for a new subsidy for 10 years.
The Isee equal to zero, each applicant will be entitled to receive 500 per month (6 thousand euros a year) of "income integration". But if you also pay a rent will receive (in addition to the 500 euros) up to 280 euros more per month. If, on the other hand, you pay a mutual the additional sum could reach 150 euros per month (1.800 euros per year). Beneficiaries will also have access to discounted electricity and gas tariffs. However, the share of income integration decreases on the basis of the ISEE or increases on the basis of an equivalence scale linked to the members of the family nucleus. For example, an adult with a dependent minor will have as a supplement not 500, but 600 euros, with two minors it rises to 700, 800 euros with two adults and a minor; up to 1.050 euros in the case of three adults and two minors. To these figures it will then be necessary to add any rent or mortgage contribution.
Citizenship income can be received for a maximum of 18 months, renewable after a one-month suspension, during which INPS will assess whether the necessary requirements persist.
In the event that during this period one of the members of the family nucleus finds work as an employee, the greater income of the component will be included "in the family income only for 80% starting from the following month, until this greater income is not implemented in ISEE for the entire year”, explains the Government. Those who instead decide to open a business or start self-employment will receive six months of basic income as an incentive.
Whoever obtains the basic income will have to sign a Pact for work at an employment centre, where he will be summoned within 30 days, and make a declaration of immediate availability for work and join a training and social inclusion programme. If the applicant is in conditions of social hardship he will have to sign instead a Social inclusion pact. In both cases, the beneficiaries of the basic income will have to participate in public utility projects promoted by the municipalities.
During the 18 months, those receiving the subsidy must undertake to accept at least one of three "suitable" job offers:
- within 100 km of distance in the first six months of use of the subsidy;
- within 250 km beyond the sixth month.
- Throughout Italy (if there are no minors in the nucleus) after one year.
Companies that hire citizens' income holders with a full-time permanent contract will be recognized, in the form of contribution relief, from 5 months (6 for hiring women and the long-term unemployed) to 18 months. This amount will be divided 50% with the employment agency if the recruitment channel is private.
Citizenship income can be requested both directly and electronically via Poste Italiane. Alternatively, you can opt for a café that has an agreement with INPS.
The benefit will be paid through a card, denominated "RDC card" managed by Poste Italiane. Here too there are limits: up to 100 euros can be withdrawn in cash for each individual (the figure increases based on the composition of the family unit) and every movement will be traced. The card cannot be used for gambling.